Simplicity Keyless Lockers and Storage

Please call 01843 295198 for more information and pricing.
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'Simplicity' Keyless Lockers & Storage

Who said lockers and storage needs to be dull? The latest Simplicity ranges have thrown the rule book away and set up their own standards on modern agile working.

Not only are these storage solutions modern and contemporary, they are also extremely efficient, practical and money saving.

'Simplicity' allows the user to choose their own locker from the array of available storage. A simple swipe and the locker pops open. As soon as the locker closes the locker is sealed until the owner returns with their card again. For fast turnaround places – Simplicity excels at providing quickly accessible agile storage in a busy environment.


For more images and information on this very versatile storage solution please call or email today for the full range brochure.

Euroworkspace Simplicity Keyless Lockers and Storage

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