Orangebox Campers and Dens - Hacking
This innovative range of breakout furniture from Orangebox was launched late November 2020 and Think Furniture are be pleased to update you on this very soon.
Campers and Dens will feature clever use of storage, adaptable spaces and innovative ways to create your own zones.
The main elements of the Campers & Dens range from Orangebox are the pods - these are the basis upon which the other elements are added, such as awnings, kinks & hacking.
Hacking - The Orangebox Campers & Dens 'Hacking' provides the ability to change the exterior of the pods at any moment with ease, offering a quick refresh of look & feel to suit the needs of the ever-changing workplace, without the expense of purchasing complete new systems. The Campers & Dens Hacking is available in a choice of vertical wooden slats, which can be positioned in a visually striking wave layout or stretch fabric system which provides a softened aesthetic.
Not only is the Hacking visually striking, it also serves as a separation / privacy tool, providing pods with fully covered or semi-covered 'walls' - perfect for when increased privacy is paramount.
Wooden slats Hacking frames: The wooden finish options on the hacking frames are a series of birch plywood slats evenly distributed on the exterior walls of a pod.
Fabric Hacking frames: The fabric options on the hacking frames are stretched over a rib structure to create a unique visual effect.
Standard Product Specification
- Various Hacking sizes available to suit all Campers & Dens pods
- 2 finishes/styles available; vertical birch plywood slats (straight or wavy slats available) / stretch fabric system with various colours & patterns
- Increases pod privacy levels
- Visually striking addition
- Minimum recommended ceiling height for installation: 2550mm
As well as the standard product specification, Campers & Dens also features many optional extras - please contact us to discuss this product or your requirement in more detail
This tailored approach alongside a range of standard options allows for creation of a more unique environment.