Think Furniture Blog

Clerkenwell Design Week '24
24th May 2024

Clerkenwell Design Week '24

We came, We saw and We got wet!Day at CDW #cdw2024 So despite the weather gods doing their best to dampen proceedings, we descended upon CDW with the intention to both fill up our knowledge banks but also enjoy the annual…

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Think Furniture at Orgatec 2022
4th Nov 2022

Think Furniture at Orgatec 2022

Introduction It is not every year you are invited to the leading international trade hub for office furnishing and equipment, it is every two years. So Cologne beckoned us to join the great and the good of Furniture in the biennial eve…

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Return To Work - A Manifesto For Change
22nd Jul 2020

Return To Work - A Manifesto For Change

Introduction It's not often you realise you are walking through history in the making but certainly 2020 will be remembered in the history books as a pivotal time for a sea change in both our thinking and our ways of working.…

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